Readers Respond
"You have sent me issue number 9. Would you, however, baok date my subscription to the first issue and send me all the previous ones? I am interested in these first issues, and also to see how the mentality of the female homosexual corresponds to my own.
"Today, by letter post, I have posted off two books to you. One of them, One of them, 'Olivia', the story of a Lesbian, you may already have; however, it may not have been issued in the States and therefore of interest to you. The other is a book with photos, of the life of Queen Mary.
"May I wish you all the very best for success with your work and magazine ..."
B.., London, England
Thank you indeed for the books
they arrived
safely. "Olivia" has been printed in the United States. However, until now we did not have a copy in the DOB library.
We have forwarded all available issues of THE LADDER beginning with March. We are STILL in process of reproducing a composite edition of the first five issues (now out of print). Advance orders for this edition are being accepted at 50¢ per copy; $1 on publication. -ED.
May I share the following quote with you? It